Dia Maha Mendengar

When I was 15, my dreams are to marry Imam Mahdi. Yeah, i know its ridiculous but that's one of my dreams. When I'm in the process of hijrah I always tell to myself I need to find Ahlul Bait so they can lead me to the right path. Actually, i want to marry Rasulullah saw but everyone knows it's impossible so I decide to marry Imam Mahdi (p/s : please remember, this is when I was 15)

I start to read about Imam Mahdi, Dajjal (Not because I want to marry him lol), yakjuj makjuj and qiyamah. In the middle to-get-to-know-Imam Mahdi, my dreams has been destroyed lol. Imam Mahdi not marry anyone. At that time, I stop searching Ahlul Bait because I thought Imam Mahdi was the only one who is Ahlul Bait.

When i'm 17, my friends influenced me to join Usrah Group on Wechat. I get to know so many amazing people. After that, I join another usrah which called Team Tazkirah. I gained so many friends and I add  'friends' as a friend in WeChat.  So this happen to me when somebody that called 'my friend' add me to another Usrah Group. I don't know who she is. So I decide to be quiet and just be a silent reader in that group chat. After that, the group chat were dead silent. No sharing or usrah or spamming. I didn't feel like to left the group. I don't know why. Usually, if the group chat is dead silent, I will left the group. I mean, why you waste your space for the dead group chat? But later, someone promote her group usrah on WhatsApp so I decide to joined since I really want to change for better.

As I joined, the group chat. I found so many amazing persons. The rules are really strict but its trained you to be discipline. I learnt about Tasawwuf. I get to know Allah swt. My depression has been cured. Its really amazing. I'm close to founder. I'm not really expecting this, but this group introduce me about ulama', Tareem women, and Ahlul Bait. My 15 years old dream make a comeback (lol). I want to marry Ahlul Bait. I want to be a part of Ahlul Bait. I want redha Allah swt. Yeah, I know there are many ways to make Allah swt redha but still I want to be somebody that make the keturunan Rasulullah saw mengalir dan berkembang. lol. I don't know any suitable words.

The founder and I are like friends or maybe sister. She introduce me with Ahlul Bait. She know some of the Ahlul Baits. Its really amazing. I told ya she's amazing. At that time, I didn't think about marriage or something, but I just want to meet them and I hope I get blessing from Allah swt. I have so many dreams. I want to meet them so badly. If I meet them, I want them to pray that I can meet Rasulullah saw. But I didn't get my hope high as I know what kind of person am I.

I know I'm not a good person nor a good servant but deep inside I want to change to a better person. I think everyone want to change to be better.

Every night, nah not every night. I always said to myself, If I meet Ahlul Bait, I have a chance to meet Rasulullah saw. If I want to meet both of them, I need to change to be a better person. Ya Allah, please give me courage to change. I want to meet your messenger. I want your blessing. I want be closer to Allah swt, I want to know myself, why I'm here in this world.

Today, Saturday 25 Mac 2017. I meet Ahlul Bait. Its the best moment ever. Allah swt choose me to met them. Allah wills it! I was so happy. After so many years, one of my dreams has fulfill. Its really beautiful day.

Yeah, today is the day bruhh

Back to the story,

So the founder introduce me with Ahlul Bait. Indeed, He the Almighty one. I have kerja kursus bertemakan tokoh so I choose Tokku Paloh as a tokoh. What a great choice isn't it? The founder group introduce me with keturunan Tokku Paloh. I'm so happy that I'm in tears that Allah listen to my prayer. Allah always listen. Indeed.

Its really beautiful how Allah make me met Ahlul Bait. Through WeChat I joined the Group Usrah. My desire to join in and how I get introduce to Ahlul Bait.

Allah swt always listen to my prayer. 

Kadang kala, kita selalu berdoa banyak kali dan sangat khusyuk tapi doa kita Allah swt tak makbulkan dan itu membuatkan kita kecewa. Kadang kala kita berasa marah dengan Allah swt sebab tak makbulkan doa kita. Pernah sekai rasa Allah swt tak mendengar apa yang kita inginkan. Ingatlah, Allah Maha Mendengar, bila kita doa tapi Allah swt tak makbulkan, believe me He will makbulkan at the right time with the unexpected way. So bersabarlah. 

Siapa kita nak marah pada Allah sebab tak makbulkan doa kita?

Jangan putus berdoa, Allah sering mendengar. Apabila Allah berkata 'Kun' , maka jadilah.

Kun fayakun.

Hadis riwayat At -Thabarani dan lain-lain: "Belum sempurna keiimanan seorang hamba Allah sebelum kecintannya kepadaku melebihi kecintaannya kepada dirinya sendiri; sebelum kecintannya kepada keturunanku melebihi kecintaannya kepada keturunannya sendiri; sebelum kecintaannya kepada ahli-baitku melebihi kecintaannya kepada keluarganya sendiri, dan sebelum kecintannya kepada zatku melebihi kecintaannya kepada zatnya sendiri".
Sahih Muslim: Zain bin Arqam berkata Rasulullah bersabda: "Amma ba'du. Hai sekalian manusia, sesungguhnya aku adalah hamba Allah. Utusan Tuhanku (Malaikat Maut) hampir tiba dan aku harus memenuhi panggilanNya. Aku tinggalkan pada kalian Ath-thaqalain (dua bekal berat). Yang pertama adalah Kitabullah (Al-Quran) , di dalamnya terdapat petunjuk dan cahay terang. Maka amalkan dan berpeganglah padanya". "Dan ahlul-baitku. Aku ingatkan kalian kepada Allah mengenai ahlul-baitku, aku ingatkan kalian kepada Allah mengenai ahlul-baitku, aku ingatkan kalian kepada Allah mengenai ahlul-baitku"

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